Generating Employment — Charity Programmes Can Resolve Unemployment

The market is recovering, especially in the UK where the rate of unemployment recently fell to 7.7 percent. According to a BBC report, the number of people claiming the Jobseeker’s Allowance has gone down 32,600 to 1.4 million. But while more people may be getting jobs, the figures still show a sharp increase in part-time jobs because people are unable to get full time jobs. Whether that indicates a lack of quality jobs or a lack of qualified and skilled workforce to meet existing local employment, charity programmes are meeting the challenge head on and delivering innovative solutions to resolve unemployment.

Teach a Man to Fish
Charitable organisations that focus on helping people find the work they need are doing valuable work. Because a charity functions to help disadvantaged individuals turn their lives around, permanent solutions must be offered as opposed to temporary, so-called quick fixes. One of the many ways a non-profit organisation can help people get full time work is to give them the skills and training they may need. Training programmes may be developed for troubled teens that are not in school — high school or college — any longer. Training programmes may also be created for people that have been out of work for a long time to help them gain new skills required to make it in the modern workplace. Other training programmes may also be designed to help people who have done time in prison to return to work.

Such customised programmes will require financing. To address fundraising challenges, charitable organisations may come up with gala events and invite local businesses and other philanthropists to drum up support — financial and otherwise. Companies will have the option to donate money and finance training programmes or act as mentors and give beneficiaries on-the-job experience. Organizations have also become more creative with their fundraisers by arranging adventurous challenges.  

Feeding Individuals for a Lifetime
There are plenty of opportunities for companies and other individuals to do their part in helping charitable organizations resolve unemployment. Some companies can hire through such organizations. Others can contribute financially. Some individuals can offer up their time as volunteers. Whatever can be done to offer up support, the point is to participate in resolving the unemployment problem.

Beyond giving disadvantaged people employment, charitable organizations are also making a significant social investment. The return on this investment may translate to better economy. It can also reduce government costs (i.e., fewer people taking Jobseekers’ Allowance) and bring down health expenditure. All in all, such focused efforts and work not only make people’s lives better but it can also improve society. 

About the author:
Sarah Miller is a business consultant and a content creator by passion. She writes articles about sales and marketing, shares and stocks, and business employment. She is now researching for better ways to reduce the number of unemployment and she finds the website very helpful in her research.

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